List of Health And Fintess Articles Posted By Guest

from stigma to support: promoting compassion and understanding for schizophrenia 👁 693

JOHANNESBURG July 8 2024 Schizophrenia can be a frightening experience explains Dr Bianca Brider of Janssen South Africa Medical Affairs. The patient starts hearing and even seeing people things and events that are actually not present in reality and the disempowering aspect of it is that

crown relocations south africa joins the fight against period poverty by supporting # 👁 616

Johannesburg July 2024 Leading global relocations company Crown Relocations South Africa has taken a crucial step towards ensuring that no girl child is unable to attend school due to a lack of menstrual hygiene products. Through their Crown Africa Coronets Group they have donated 230 sanita

the search for the perfect body can cause mental and physical harm 👁 371

SANCA Drug Awareness Week 24 30 June Severe risks to physical and mental health including addiction psychotic episodes stomach ailments and eating disorders are the dangerous side effects of societys obsession with the perfect body leading to rising incidences of abuse of weight lo

the therapeutic oasis: exploring the profound impact of spa treatments on mental heal 👁 363

We have all joked about needing a spa day but jokes aside there really are some major health benefits to taking a spa day. In this article the manager of @Sandton Spa Nteboheng Kennedy delves into the medical and health perspectives surrounding the transformative impact of spa treatments on men

breaking the silence: lets talk about inflammatory bowel disease and support those af 👁 333

JOHANNESBURG June 24th 2024 Inflammatory bowel disease IBD is characterised by chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal GI tract 1 which will affect the comfort and therefore quality of life of patients with the condition. Apart from the pain and ongoing inconvenience experi

making informed choices: navigating fitness supplements with confidence 👁 429

by Andy Moore Research Development and Quality Control Manager at NPL In the arena of fitness supplements the quest for optimal performance and results often leads individuals down a maze of flashy labels and enticing promises. Among the myriad options understanding the distinction bet

priotising employee wellness: durban bpo introduces in-house dis-chem clinic 👁 403

Leading the way in corporate wellness Durban based BPO company Rewardsco has become the first corporate in KwaZulu Natal and the second in South Africa to offer an in house Dis Chem pharmacy exclusively for its employees. This innovative initiative in collaboration with Kaelo Health Insu

unveiling the truth behind creatine monohydrate 👁 550

Fitness fads and supplement aisles can seem like an unfathomable labyrinth one compound has stood the test of time as both revered and reviled Creatine Monohydrate. For decades this substance has been the subject of scrutiny myth and misinformation. However amidst the noise scientific resea

a journey towards the elimination of cancer 👁 471

JOHANNESBURG May 20th 2024 While cancer may not be a thing of the past in the very near future pharmacological science advancements have intensified their efforts targeting one of humanity s most formidable adversaries with precision. Several forms of cancer are already manageable as chronic

total ninja is now a discovery vitality points - linked fitness facility 👁 427

Total Ninja South Africa Africas largest Inflatable and Obstacle Park is proud to announce that is now a Discovery Vitality points linked fitness facility. This initiative marks a significant milestone for Total Ninja as the business continues to lead the way in family entertainment and wellness

a journey towards the elimination of cance 👁 499

JOHANNESBURG May 20th 2024 While cancer may not be a thing of the past in the very near future pharmacological science advancements have intensified their efforts targeting one of humanity s most formidable adversaries with precision. Several forms of cancer are already manageable as chronic

what is our right to health? world health day 7 april 👁 907

Access to healthcare is a basic human right but achieving the healthy nation that South Africa needs for productivity and economic growth will take more than universal free healthcare. Social determinants of health such as lifestyle choices diet exercise and substance use play a crucia

early-onset cancer risk 👁 970

JOHANNESBURG March 22nd 2024 There has been a marked increase in early onset cancer particularly amongst Millennials. Age risk factors have lowered from an average age of fifty years two decades ago to an alarming and emerging group twenty five to twenty nine year olds where cancer rates

navigating mental health challenges in african traditional settings 👁 522

Navigating mental health challenges in African traditional settings South Africa Last year Fort Hare Universitys Psychiatric Nursing department found that not only was the countrys growing mental health crisis exacerbating the countrys substance and rising suicide levels but it was a majo

frequent testing for prostate cancer remains critical 👁 873

JOHANNESBURG March 11th 2024 Mens healthcare should be under the spotlight more often said Vanessa Snow Head of Medical Affairs at Janssen South Africa. Differences between the sexes mean that men are more likely to suffer from a variety of conditions. Challenges that men are most likely to

preventing blindness: world glaucoma week 10 - 16 march 👁 2357

Glaucoma a group of eye conditions that damage the optic nerve essential for good vision is one of the leading causes of irreversible blindness in Africa affecting more than 6 million people. Shockingly only 1 in 20 are aware they have glaucoma and 50 will be blind in one eye by the time

psoriasis and ethnic diversity by: ahmed el hofy general manager for south africa for 👁 766

JOHANNESBURG February 21st 2024 Psoriasis a chronic skin condition affecting millions worldwide has long been a topic of concern in the medical community in that no cure has been discovered although there are various options available to lessen its symptoms.1 Characterized

epilepsy affects 1 in every 100 south africans 👁 732

National Epilepsy Week 13 20 February 2024 In recognition of National Epilepsy Week 13 20 February 2024 the Neurological Association of South Africa NASA is dedicated to breaking the stigma surrounding epilepsy and creating an understanding of the condition affecting approximately 1 in 1

alarming rise in teenage pregnancies pregnancy week 6-10 february 👁 599

Despite a global decline in adolescent 15 19 years birthrates South Africa is witnessing a distressing surge in teenage pregnancies. During Pregnancy Awareness Week 6 10 February the South African Society of Psychiatrists SASOP emphasises the critical mental health impact on teenage m

business for change: a comprehensive roadmap to sustainable hiv/aids awareness and pr 👁 635

By Rowen Govender Academic Head School of Healthcare Management at Regent Business School Amidst the intricate tapestry of South Africa where the pervasive spectre of the HIV/AIDS crisis casts a formidable shadow over countless lives businesses find themselves standing at a pivotal crossr