treverton grade 6 pupil chosen to compete for kzn in the 65cm junior eventing team at the youth champs

Luca Garella (Grade 6) from Treverton College in the Midlands and his horse, Casrix Stochholm Boryenka, were chosen to compete for KZN in the 65cm Junior Eventing team at the Youth Champs. This pair went onto participate in their first Youth Champs on the 28th and 29th of June, finishing individually in 6th place out of a class of 14. Their KZN team went onto win.

Big congratulations to The KZN 65 Junior Eventing team on your well deserved win. We are proud of you. Well done to all the riders that participated in the Eventing. Good luck to the competitors that are competing in other disciplines this week.

Education truly is an adventure.

For further information please visit

Organisation : Treverton
Tags: #TevertonEventingYouthChamps