afrika tikkun bambanani - 444 campaign for early childhood development

afrika tikkun bambanani 444 campaign for early childhood developmentu

Afrika Tikkun Bambananis mission revolves around Early Childhood Development (ECD), a critical phase in a child's life. ECD encompasses those tender years from 2 to 6, often referred to as the Nursery School years. It's during this period that young minds are like sponges, eager to soak up knowledge and build the foundation for a lifetime of learning.

It costs Afrika Tikkun Bambanani just R444 to provide a year of quality education to an underprivileged child in their ECD program and they are challenging all listeners out there to pledge only R4444 to put a child through school for a year and transform a life.

This is the best end-year/Christmas gift that you could give a child and a lovely way gift to pledge on behalf of someone else too as a gift in their name.

Your pledge can become the bridge to a brighter future for a child in need. It can be the difference between a lifetime of opportunity or being trapped in the cycle of disadvantage

Together, we can be the change that brings hope, opportunity, and a brighter future to the children we serve. Let us unite for a cause that can write a brighter chapter in the lives of the children we support.

To donate please visit and press donate now to find the snapscan code.

Organisation : Afrika Tikkun Bambanani
Website :